The production to it and the song itself comes from the self-titled album of my latest infatuation, Santigold (formerly Santogold, I know right, I barely noticed either)...

I'm so late on this one I feel like an ass. If she was a full on Hip Hop emcee I would be ashamed. My ass has been saved by her music being labelled by wikipedia (which is never wrong) as 'New Wave, Dub, Alternative Fusion, Alternative dance.' I'm allowed to be late on non-Hip Hop ish. Can't lie though, I'm pretty pissed I wasn't up on this earlier having only discovered her music early this year. This is the track i briefly mentioned. Just listening to the beat I can tell iFFy must of ripped this:
[Warning, play only in decent headphones or from decent speakers. This beat is hard, i repeat hard! It won't sound right spewing from your crappy mobile in-ear buds,ipod headphones or your computers shitty built-in speakers. Give the music the quality it deserves please and thou shall be repaid through dopeNESS]
'Starstruck' -
Santi's debut was released in 08 and she's been quietly doing her thing ever since. Fans of 'Gossip Girl' should recognise her album tracks 'LES Artistes' and 'Creator' used in the the promo and soundtrack to the show. Not that I would know.Not known the world over, her fan base isn't humongous. However what she does have is a set of loyal fans and a reputation for quality performances, as well as an utterly unique sound. If I was a musician in today's market, then that's the exact level of popularity and stardom I'd want. Known for doing her thing, Santigold gets invited to perform at more events than you'd expect. She's down with the 'cool' and 'real' folks within the industry and maintains a distinctly 'un-ordinary' fan base who match her unique sound with their own unique style. The point I'm teetering around here, is that MTV or Nike, for one of their big broadcast events or adverts, would use an artist like Lil Wayne or 'weirdo of the moment' Drake. They have an image to uphold, they of course therefore have to use the biggest (notice lack of the words that would commonly follow, 'and best') names. However, for local events such as new trainer (sneaker) releases, city concerts or simply company celebrations and anniversaries, they use actual dope artists such as Santi. Ok she didn't perform here (no one did) but Nike's 'Back To The Block' event is an example of the type of cool, cultural events that ill, alternative artists like Santi would be asked to perform at. (Peep the Madbury link, click back to the block).

Speaking of Jay-Z, I have a friend who's a great fan. Loved 'Reasonable Doubt'. Supported most Jay albums, even the ones he admitted lacked quality. Was pleasantly surprised at 'American Gangster.' You could say he fiends for the lyrical monster to come out in Jay every once in a while like i do with Nas. Bearing all that in mind, his usual bias opinion towards Jay told me the Blueprint 3 was straight turd. J.Cole spit a hot verse but other than that, it was a return to the sucky freestyle nonsensical Jay with a horrible flow and lyrics to match. But that tangent is for another day.
What my good man did state though, was that there was a supremely hot beat from Bp3 on the track 'Brooklyn We Go Hard.' My instant response was to ask if the track was backed by a reggae-ish sound and a woman shouting 'Brooklyn we go hard.' He said yes, and well......we have another Santigold fan.
'Shove It' -
Ha ha, it's sad how, although it's easy to rock out to the hollering of 'Brooklyn we go hard', my favourite part to the song is the 'We think you're a joke, shove your hope, where it don't shine!' chorus. I can just imagine myself today saying 'We think you're a joke' just as she does in that childish voice, to a bunch of losers I know. Or as a kid with a red lolly in my mouth and my lips and cheeks smeared with red as a result, saying that to a rival kiddie crew. Listen to that part of the song and you'll probably still not understand, but then, maybe you will.

Working frequently with Diplo, a guy who up until an eye-opening night in Leytonstone Tescos, I didn't know the name of, it's no surprise much of Santigolds music has a dubstep/club music type feel.
The majority of her tracks have me zoned out and her music sounds as though it should be played in a movie. Possible when someone is in a trance-like state, stumbling around ready to faint or die whilst people and cars rush past them. I've begun to do this recently. That is, make film scenes in my head, inspired by tracks I hear, especially on my walk to and from the gym. The current idea is a London 90's type film set in East and backed by a soundtrack of Klashnekoff 'Zero,' but more on that another day. 'Starstruck' would be used for a sports type scene. Maybe Boxing or Athletics, whereby it's a grudge match or final. The opening hard Bass line beats would be perfect for a Boxer entrance or a Maurice Greene swagger on to the track whilst simultaneously staring down his nearest opponent.
All these reggae beats and electro vibes I spoke of to begin with that Santi utilises maintain that all of her music sounds different. Pop music at it's finest, she creates catchy songs that anyone can vibe out to in a club or wherever they happen to wanna vibe out at.
Swagger, is not a word I like. Moreover it's not a word I would apply to many, especially in London '10 whereby the word has become over-used to the point of extinction (I hope soon). Though I would gladly apply this word to Santigold. She represents the swag that only a female can embody. Yeah males are usually seen as 'cooler' but when females are unique and 'cool,' by GOD they're 'cool'! Santi can switch up outfits and styles to suit her mood. People like this, not the trend hoppers and followers of today, should gain the respect of all in regards to style and how they carry themselves. People like her and Janelle Monae are paving the way for girls right now. These are the real innovators, the people you copy.

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