Jose and the guys over there have got a great thing going on already which hopefully I can add to in some small way. The blog itself is somewhat of an underground Hip Hop specialist blog, though don't be too surprised to see other mediums and genres thrown in the mix. I challenge you to feast your eyes upon the first page and kick-back as you gradually and unknowingly get drawn in to reading 5-10-20 pages deep. It's pretty damn addictive. In the short time frame of the blogs existence and my reading of it, the number of artists the folks over there have put me on to is somewhere in double figures. There's plenty of lesser known great music out there that may be a little difficult to find. These guys are here to point you in the right direction.
Make sure you check it out, you never know, you may discover your favourite artist of tomorrow.

Great write up my brother...great to have you in our team man, really great. I have a felling that we are going to do some great stuff together.