Saturday 7 August 2010


Well dam, ha ha, my god. Tyson most definitely won that battle.

Some say I'm a hater for not jumping on the whole Usain Bolt is King bandwagon. Here's what i have to say:

I don't not like Bolt. I just want Asafa to win the major championship he has always deserved to win. Plus I don't like the fact that all of a sudden, everyone is a bolt dick-rider and loves Athletics now just because he's in it. The 100m has been exciting from day 1 before bolt came along. All the batty-oles comin' up to me saying crap like 'It's so weird man, Bolt just came outta no where'....not really, he went to Athens where he was knocked out in the first round. He went to the 2007 world champs where tyson kicked his ass in the 200 and won the double PLUS he had to work his way up the Jamaican schools National Championships....basically, he put in work, don't act like he grew up on a farm and was retardedly running after a chicken one day when an olympic coach happened to walk by and say, 'Hey son, you're pretty fast' next thing you know he's in the bloody olympics. I'm sick of retards man, people in general, they don't read or look in to anything before they open their mouths. If some one's gonna try to enlighten me on athletics or football or basketball or America or Palestine or Africa, please make sure you've actually read up on it before trying.

Athletics is best viewed live. More so than any other sport. When you see these athletes up close you actually begin to comprehend just how quickly they're moving or how high or far they're jumping. Only one youtube clip, that I'll link to at a later date, has ever given just a glimpse of this speed across ground. The T.V does the sport no justice at all. Everyone has pre-conceived ideas based on their own ability. 'Sure these guys are fast but I mean, they're not going to be light-years faster then me as, I'm pretty quick.' No. Trust me. These guys are professional athletes for a reason. Some 6 and a half billion people live on the face of this planet and those 8 who stand before you made it.
It bothers me that people act as the mainstream media does and simply only take the sport at face value. If Usain Bolt and the 100m has interested you that much, watch it more often. Don't be an idiot and say you don't like athletics, that's ignorant. It's those same type of people who will do the same thing to a sport or activity you love. I know it annoys certain basketball players when people get caught up in the Jordan or Lebron hype, rockin' the clothes yet knowing nothing of basketball. Same thing. Just dig a little deeper, you may surprise yourself and actually like what you find and see.

People aren't interested in gaining more knowledge or information on a particular subject that's out of their comfort zone. They just wanna see ill shit and move on. If what Usain or any other athlete did is that ill it makes you wanna; rock the t-shirt, become a member of the facebook group, like the facebook fan page and talk about it the next day at school, uni or work, then why not follow the sport a little?...Instead of being someone that claims knowledge on a subject or simply hops on the hype and fad surrounding Usain Bolt.

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